
Our earth Worksheet-3

Our earth Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Our Earth spins about a/an _____ line, which passes through its centre.

A. imaginary                                  B. real


  1. What is the  spinning movement of the Earth about its axis called?

A. Rotation                                     B. Revolution


  1. What causes day and night on the Earth?

A. Rotation                                     B. Revolution


  1. How many hours does the Earth take  to rotate once on its axis?

A. 24 hours       B. 36 hours       C. 72 hours


  1. How many hours make 1 day?

A. 24 hours       B. 36 hours       C. 72 hours


  1. 24 hours make _____ day/s.

A. 3                     B. 1                      C. 6


  1. When the Earth rotates on its axis, one half of the Earth faces the ____.

A. sun                 B. water


  1. When the Earth rotates on its axis, _______ of the Earth faces the sun.

A. one half         B. one fourth     C. one third


  1. What is the fixed path on which the Earth moves around the sun called?

A. orbit               B. planet


  1. The movement of _______ around the sun in a fixed path is called revolution.

A. Earth             B. Moon


Answer Key:

  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A