
Parts of a plant Worksheet-4

Parts of a plant Worksheet-4


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Bud is a part of ____.

A. Shoot             B. Root


  1. How many types of roots are there?

A. One                B. Two                C. Three


  1. Identify the type of root.

A. Tap root                                     B. Fibrous root


  1. Which of the following root have only one main root?

A. Tap root                                     B. Fibrous root


  1. Identify the type of root.

A. Tap root                                     B. Fibrous root


  1. ____ helps the plant stay fixed to the soil.

A. Roots             B. Leaves           C. Flowers


  1. ____ take in water and minerals from the soil.

A. Roots             B. Leaves           C. Flowers


  1. The ____ is known as the kitchen of the plant.

A. Stem              B. Leaf                C. Flower


  1. The flat surface of a leaf is called the ______.

A. leaf blade                                   B. Stem blade


  1. Leaves appear green because they contain a substance called ___.

A. Chlorophyll                               B. Stomata


  1. Which of the following fruits have a single seed inside them?

A. Mango           B. Apple             C. Watermelon


  1. Which of the following fruits have a single seed inside them?

A. Plum              B. Orange          C. Strawberry


  1. Which of the following fruits have a few seeds inside them?

A. Mango           B. Apple             C. Watermelon


  1. Which of the following fruits have a single seed inside them?

A. Plum              B. Orange          C. Strawberry


  1. Which of the following fruits have many seeds inside them?

A. Mango           B. Apple             C. Watermelon


  1. Which of the following fruits have many seeds inside them?

A. Plum              B. Orange          C. Strawberry


Answer Key:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C