
Past tense-Mixed review Worksheet-9

Past tense-Mixed review Worksheet-9


Fill in the blank with the correct simple past tense form:

  1. I ____ this answer twice last night.

A. Read                                           B. Red

C. Was reading                             D. Readied


  1. India ____ the World Cup in 2011.

A. Was winning                            B. Has won

C. Won                                            D. Have won


  1. Our team _____ the match by one goal.

A. Lost                B. Loosed           C. Was losing    D. Has loosed


  1. Who finally ____ Napoleon?

A. Was defeating                          B. Defeated

C. Has defeated                            D. Defeates


  1. We ____ only a little fruit last night.

A. Eaten             B. Ate                  C. Has eaten     D. Were eating


  1. Sunita _____ his letter a week ago.

A. Receives        B. Will receive  C. Received       D. Was receiving


  1. Sonali ____ her twentieth birthday last month.

A. Was celebrating                       B. Celebrating

C. Celebrates                                 D. Celebrated


  1. She _____ me and then went out.

A. Telephoned                               B. Has telephoned

C. Was telephoned                       D. Telephoning


  1. She _____ well last night.

A. Did not sleep                            B. Was not slept

C. Not slept                                    D. Don’t sleep


  1. No one _____ the door although I rang twice.

A. Was opening                             B. Had opened

C. Opened                                      D. Is opening


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Read’ is the simple past tense form of ‘read’.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Won’ is the simple past tense form of ‘win’.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Lost’ is the simple past tense form of ‘lose’.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Defeated’ is the simple past tense form of ‘defeat’.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Ate’ is the simple past tense form of ‘eat’.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Received’ is the simple past tense form of ‘receive’.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Celebrated’ is the simple past tense form of ‘celebrate’.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Telephoned’ is the simple past tense form of ‘Telephone’.


  1. A

Explanation: Due to negation ‘did not sleep’ is the simple past tense form of ‘not sleep’.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Opened’ is the simple past tense form of ‘open’.