
Past Tenses-Mixed Review Worksheet-1

Past Tenses-Mixed Review Worksheet-1


Fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of the given verb:

  1. My uncle _____ (go) to Mumbai last night.

A. Going             B. Went              C. Gone              D. Was going


  1. The peon ____ (ring) the bell at 8 a.m. this morning.

A. Rang              B. Rung              C. Is ringing      D. Ringing


  1. Yesterday you _____ (speak) in a loud, clear voice.

A. Spoken          B. Speaks           C. Speaking       D. Spoke


  1. Rahul _____ (give) two wrong answers in the last period.

A. Giving            B. Was giving   C. Gave               D. Given


  1. We ____ (eat) a lot of dessert last night.

A. Ate                  B. Eating            C. Eaten             D. Have eaten


  1. Sunil _____ (try) to solve the sum but could not.

A. Trying            B. Tries              C. Tried              D. Tryed


  1. We were late, so we _____ (miss) the bus.

A. Missing                                      B. Were missing

C. Missed                                       D. Was missed


  1. The bird _____ (break) the cage.

A. Is breaking                                B. Broke

C. Has broken                               D. Was broken


  1. Sheila ______ (search) the whole house but did not find the keys.

A. Searching                                  B. Searched

C. Was searching                         D. Were searched


  1. Shital tried to clutch the banister while she _____ (slip) down the stairs.

A. Was slipping                             B. Slipping

C. Were slipping                           D. Slipped


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Go’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Ring’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the past tense is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Speak’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Give’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Eat’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Try’ is a regular verb but ‘y’ is changed to ‘i’ and then ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Miss’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Break’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Search’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Slip’ is a regular verb and ‘p’ is doubled before ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense. Here the past continuous tense is correct.