
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-31

Word Power Worksheet – 31


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "quite a few"

(a) several         (b) stationing    (c) flashback     (d) reliable


  1. "smallest part of matter"

(a) vein               (b) abridge        (c) atom             (d) metabolism


  1. "negative part of atom outside nucleus"

(a) mass             (b) twilight        (c) electron        (d) amity


  1. "earth and everything around it"

(a) indignant     (b) universe       (c) ballot            (d) taunt


  1. "emotional association or added meaning to a word"

(a) rambles                                    (b) properties

(c) connotation                             (d) quality


  1. "To arrange music for performance by various instruments"

(a) forbidden    (b) orchestrate (c) indignant     (d) except


  1. "the study of the origin and history of words"

(a) cater             (b) activate        (c) luster            (d) etymology


  1. "the way or manner in which something is said or done"

(a) style              (b) supply          (c) wanted         (d) principal


  1. "to reproach with insults or scornful language"

(a) characterization                     (b) taunt  

(c) untied                                        (d) cacophony


  1. "device used to determine direction"

(a) unseen         (b) compass      (c) firebrand     (d) geologist


  1. "the second planet outward from the sun"

(a) untied                                       (b) appropriate

(c) disinfectant                              (d) Venus


  1. "Having a pleasing succession of sounds; pleasant to hear."

(a) melodious   (b) suffocate     (c) dynasty        (d) unpack


  1. "to spell incorrectly"

(a) extinct          (b) texture         (c) misspell       (d) flagon


  1. "impressed firmly on the mind"

(a) inversion     (b) enigmatic    (c) ingrained     (d) medley


  1. "to provide with new information"

(a) enlighten     (b) daub             (c) deny              (d) vein


  1. "riddling, perplexing, puzzling, questioning"

(a) companion  (b) settlers         (c) amity            (d) enigmatic


  1. "humiliate"

(a) except          (b) yield             (c) embarrass   (d) international


  1. "taking in food"

(a) definite        (b) forbidden    (c) ingestion      (d) allusion


  1. "To bend"

(a) deny              (b) drastically   (c) arrogance    (d) flex


  1. "chemical reactions that occur in a living thing"

(a) enigmatic    (b) imagery       (c) dreaded       (d) metabolism


  1. "to come to an end"

(a) miniature    (b) deny             (c) surcease       (d) emphatic


  1. "A musical arrangement made from a series of melodies; a mixture, a hodgepodge."

(a) medley         (b) imagery       (c) mono            (d) dishonest


  1. "between or among nations"

(a) image                                        (b) international

(c) victim                                        (d) daub


  1. "idle; not used or working"

(a) inactive        (b) companion (c) umbrella      (d) badge


  1. "to climb by alternately using one's arms and legs"

(a) shinnying    (b) symbol         (c) ballot            (d) ominous


  1. "natural tendencies that cause animals to act in a certain way"

(a) disclose        (b) instincts       (c) patrol           (d) hazard


  1. "travel for the purpose discovery"

(a) breeds          (b) publicity      (c) exploration (d) patchwork


  1. "the body of knowledge"

(a) nourish        (b) lore               (c) transparent (d) enigmatic


  1. "harsh jarring sound"

(a) intersect                                   (b) disinfectant

(c) available                                   (d) cacophony


  1. "union for a common purpose"

(a) alliance        (b) reputation   (c) invest            (d) instincts



1-a;  2-c;  3-c;  4-b;  5-c;  6-b;  7-d;  8-a;  9-b;  10-b;  11-d;  12-a;  13-c;  14-c;  15-a;  16-d;  17-c;  18-c;  19-d;  20-d;  21-c;  22-a;  23-b;  24-a;  25-a;  26-b;  27-c;  28-b;  29-d;  30-a