
Mix Review Worksheet-17

Mix Review Worksheet-17


  1. In a college election between two rivals, a candidate got 40% of the total votes polled. He was defeated by his rival by 160 votes. The total number of votes polled was ______.

A. 900                B. 800                C. 700                D. 600


  1. If 37.5% of a number is 450, then 87.5% of the number will be ___.

       A. 825                 B. 1,175               C. 1,050             D. 1,250


  1. In a school there were 125 teachers out of whom 15 were maths teachers. Find out the percentage of maths teachers.

A. 12%                B. 14%                C. 15%                D. 25%


  1. On a sports day a school bought 1,500 colour paper bundles in which 20% were green coloured, 30% were white coloured and remaining were blue coloured. Number of blue coloured bundles is:

       A. 1000              B. 500                C. 700                D. 750


  1. 9/19 = ____

A. 57%                B. 47%                C. 47.3%            D. 0.473%


  1. Rohan’s mother gave him Rs.300. Out of which he spent 15% on stationery, 35% on eatables and remaining amount was saved. The amount saved is;

A. Rs.200          B. Rs.100           C. Rs.150           D. Rs.50


  1. A musical fountain show was organized in a park, during which 36% of the tickets were issued as half-tickets and 52% were issued as full-tickets out of a total of 1500 tickets. The number of half-tickets and full-tickets issued is:

A. 1420 and 300                           B. 540 and 78

       C. 54 and 780                                D. 540 and 780


  1. Decimal  form of 8% is:

A. 0.8                 B. 8.00               C. 0.008            D. 0.08


  1. Sudha scored 312 out of 450 marks. Her percentage is:

A. 69%                B. 69.4%            C. 69.33%                   D. none of these


  1. Compare 10% of Rs.100 ___ 50% of Rs.10.

A. <                     B. =                     C. >                     D. none of there


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-C; (3)-A; (4)-D; (5)-C; (6)-C; (7)-D; (8)-D; (9)-C; (10)-C