
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-42

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-42


  1. Choose the adjective in this sentence.

The Civil War began in 1861 and finally ended in 1865.

A. in                    B. Civil               C. began             D. finally


  1. The noun(s) or pronoun(s) before the verb are called the ___.

A. simple subject                          B. simple predicate

C. complete subject                     D. complete predicate


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. The highest mountain in the world is mount everest.

B. The highest mountain in the world is mount Everest.

C. The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest.

D. The highest Mountain in the world is Mount Everest.

English grammar conjunctions practice online

  1. Pick out the correct simile.

As stupid as an ____.

A. Hare              B. peacock         C. ass                  D. ant


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. My, sister Jaya is studying to become a doctor.

B. My sister, Jaya ,is studying to become a doctor.

C. My sister Jaya is studying ,to become a Doctor.

D. My sister Jaya is studying to become a doctor.

sentence completion practice worksheets

  1. In the following choices which is a complete subject?

A. The dog and the cat                B. dog and cat

C. the dog and cat                        D. dog the cat


  1. Pick out the correct form of verb.

____ you like to have a cup of tea?

A. shall               B. will                 C. should           D. would


  1. Pick out the correct form of verb.

You ______ stick to your words.

A. shall               B. should           C. will                 D. would 


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. It will be new years eve soon.

B. It will be New years eve soon.

C. It will be New Years eve soon.

D. It will be New Years Eve soon.


  1. Pick out the correct simile:

As blind as a _____.

A. bat                  B. hare               C. death             D. peacock


Answer Keys:

(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–C; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–A; (7)–D; (8)–B; (9)–D; (10)–A