
Phrasal Verbs-1

WORD BANK: Askaround, blowup, breakin, breakout, breakup, callaround, calmdown, checkin, checkout, cheerup, chipin, comeforward, dressup, dropout, fallapart, falldown, getback, gettogether.

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ask around - ask many people the same question

blow up - explode

break in - force entry to a building

break in - interrupt

break up - end a relationship

break out - escape

call around - phone many different places/people

calm down - relax after being angry

check in - arrive and register at a hotel or airport

check out - leave a hotel

cheer up - become happier

chip in - help

come forward - volunteer for a task or to give evidence

dress up - wear nice clothing

drop out - quit a class, school etc

fall apart - break into pieces

fall down - fall to the ground

get back - return



2. wear nice clothing

7. break into pieces

8. leave a hotel

12. become happier

14. relax after being angry

15. end a relationship

16. phone many different places/people

17. arrive and register at a hotel or airport

18. ask many people the same question



1. quit a class, school etc

3. escape

4. return

5. explode

6. fall to the ground

8. help

9. meet (usually for social reasons)

10. volunteer for a task or to give evidence

11. force entry to a building

13. interrupt