


Cleanliness - Study Guide Download

Dusting - to scrub with a broom or a dry cloth


Shaking and beating - to beat an article to remove dust


Sweeping - to carry dust with broom


Mopping - to wipe with wet cloth


Washing - to scrub with broom and water


Polishing - to rub to bring shine


Duster - It is used for removing dust from furniture.


Dustpan -

  1. It is a small flat container with a handle.

  2. Into this container dust is brushed from the floor.


Mop - It is a tool for washing floors.


Polishing cloth - It is a cloth for polishing something.


Broom - It is a brush for sweeping floors.


Brush -

  1. It is an object made of short stiff hairs set in a block of wood or plastic.

  2. It is used for cleaning floors, furniture, toilet, etc.


Bucket -

  1. It is an open container with a handle.

  2. It is used for carrying liquids or sand, etc.


Dust bin -

  1. It is a large container.

  2. It is used for putting rubbish or garbage in.


Vacuum cleaner - It is an electrical machine that cleans floors, carpets, etc.


Water -

  1. It is a liquid without colour, smell or taste.
  2. It falls as rain, in lakes, rivers and sea.
  3. It is used for drinking, washing, etc.


Detergent - It is a liquid or powder that helps remove dirt from clothes, dishes, etc.


Acid - It is a chemical, usually a liquid that helps in cleaning toilets, etc.


Alkali -

  1. It is a chemical substance that reacts with acid.

  2. It is used in cleaning.


Bleach - It is a chemical that is used to remove colour or whiten clothes.


Polish - It is a substance used to make a surface smooth and shiny.