
Prepositions Notes-1 (Level-7)

Prepositions Notes-1 [Level-7]


Definition and types of prepositions


Word placed before a noun (which is known as object of the preposition) to show its relation with another noun (subject) in the sentence.


Types of prepositions:

  1. Preposition of PLACE – indicates place and position

  2. Preposition of TIME – indicates duration and specific time

  3. Preposition of DIRECTION – indicates movement and direction


Phrase prepositions:

Group of words used as a single preposition.


  1. In case of any trouble, call me.


  1. Owing to his illness he could not attend the class.


  1. In spite of having lunch, my friend is still hungry.


List of phrase prepositions:

  1. In addition to

  2. According to

  3. On account of

  4. Owing to

  5. In order to

  6. In front of

  7. In case of

  8. By means of

  9. By reason of

  10. Away from

  11. With an eye to

  12. In favour of

  13. Along with

  14. On behalf of

  15. Because of

  16. For the sake of

  17. In comparison to

  18. In place of

  19. Instead of

  20. In lieu of

  21. In accordance to


Sentence examples:

  1. John had to miss class BECAUSE OF the rain.


  1. IN SPITE OF having a cold, she went for a swim.


  1. The politician’s speech was WITH AN EYE TO the main chance.


  1. She is practicing IN ORDER TO win the competition.


  1. The computer madam came ON BEHALF OF the Math teacher.


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