
Prepositions Notes-1 (Level-6)

Prepositions Notes-1 [Level-6]


Definition of prepositions:

Word usually placed before a noun to show its relation with another word in the sentence.


  1. The cake is ON the table.
  2. The blue gift is UNDER the table.
  3. The soft toy is IN the girl’s hand.


Some more examples of prepositions:

  1. The emperor ruled OVER a large kingdom.


  1. The pencils are IN the holder.


  1. The doctor is happy WITH his recovery.


  1. There is a girl ON the carpet.


  1. The snowman is BEHIND the man.


Object of a preposition:

The noun/pronoun placed after the preposition is the object of the preposition.


The noun/pronoun before which the preposition is placed is known as the object of the preposition.


  1. The cow jumped over the moon.

Preposition = over.

Placed before – moon.

Thus, moon = object of the preposition OVER.


  1. The roses are in the vase.

Preposition = in

Placed before – vase

Thus, vase = object of the preposition IN


  1. The astronaut is standing beside the flag.

Preposition = beside

Placed before – flag

Thus, flag = object of the preposition BESIDE


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