
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-44

Word Power Worksheet – 44


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "feigning piety or righteousness"

(a) aspect                                       (b) sanctimonious    

(c) lurid                                          (d) discriminating


  1. "order in which a series of events occurred"

(a) cistern          (b) incessant     (c) morbidity    (d) chronology


  1. "to make (pain, for example)    more bearable"

(a) tsunami       (b) cistern          (c) alleviate       (d) modulation


  1. "state of having intense feeling or passion"

(a) vivid              (b) staid             (c) vehemence  (d) credible


  1. "of or relating to the voice, uttered or produced by the voice"

(a) vocal             (b) lacerated     (c) vitality          (d) tsunami


  1. "terrified; horrified"

(a) beckon         (b) persistent    (c) aghast          (d) gargoyle


  1. "pleasant  in  taste  or  smell; aromatic"

(a) savoury        (b) timorous     (c) pugnacious (d) mantle


  1. "timid; full of or subject to fear"

(a) timorous      (b) luminous     (c) vivid              (d) frippery


  1. "act of carefully considering all the facts before acting"

(a) circumspection                      (b) centennial  

(c) century                                     (d) timorous


  1. "a sly or clever trick meant to deceive someone"

(a) wiles             (b) expanse       (c) audacious    (d) sustain


  1. "timid; full of or subject to fear"

(a) gesticulation                           (b) century

(c) Projectile                                 (d) timorous


  1. "ask or beg earnestly for"

(a) chlorophyll (b) Cossack       (c) implore        (d) deforestation


  1. "a period of 10 years"

(a) decade         (b) slender         (c) polarize        (d) bland


  1. "something built by a person using stone, brick, etc."

(a) modulation (b) isthmus       (c) masonry      (d) agenda


  1. "joking, inappropriate"

(a) facetious      (b) rebuke         (c) embellish     (d) timorous


  1. "plan in a deceitful way"

(a) scheme        (b) oration         (c) oration         (d) chronology


  1. "demanding great effort or labor; difficult"

(a) infiltrate      (b) arduous       (c) languish       (d) expanse


  1. "to short cut; abbreviate"

(a) curtail          (b) vociferous   (c) levity             (d) resplendent


  1. "not fat; thin"

(a) crags            (b) avert             (c) slender         (d) rainforest


  1. "expressed warmly; vigorous; robust; a comrade"

(a) physiological                          (b) hardy

(c) turbulent                                 (d) covey


  1. "the physical property of a mineral that causes it to break along flat surfaces"

(a) Projectile     (b) craven         (c) rendering    (d) cleavage


  1. "an amount or a quantity in excess of what is needed"

(a) gargoyle                                   (b) personification

(c) allude                                       (d) surplus


  1. "the thickest layer inside Earth"

(a) nucleus        (b) cultivated    (c) mantle          (d) Centripetal


  1. "severe; sharp"

(a) cell                (b) oust              (c) levity             (d) acute


  1. "to make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements"

(a) craven          (b) clandestine (c) malign          (d) atrocity


  1. "characterized by sedate dignity and often a strait laced sense of propriety "

(a) intolerable                               (b) staid

(c) impediment                             (d) malign


  1. "to put out by legal process; expel"

(a) itinerary      (b) evict              (c) endeavour   (d) circuitously


  1. "lacking vitality"

(a) century        (b) entice           (c) anaemic       (d) personification


  1. "capable of developing, etc under favourable conditions; practicable"

(a) consent        (b) viable           (c) aspect           (d) dissentient


  1. "making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry"

(a) radiate                                      (b) chromosomes

(c) affluence                                   (d) vociferous



1-b;  2-d;  3-c;  4-c;  5-a;  6-c;  7-a;  8-a;  9-a;  10-a;  11-d;  12-c;  13-a;  14-c;  15-a;  16-a;  17-b;  18-a;  19-c;  20-b;  21-d;  22-d;  23-c;  24-d;  25-c;  26-b;  27-b;  28-c;  29-b;  30-d