
Charts and Graphs Worksheet-3

Charts & Graphs Worksheet-3


This line graph shows the prices of gasoline in past few years. See the line graph to answer the following question.

  1. How much did a gallon of gasoline cost in year 2002?

A. Rs.1.50          B. Rs.2.00         C. Rs.2.50         D. Rs.1.00

See more math worksheets for numbers

  1. In which year was the gasoline price Rs.1.0 per gallon?

A. 1999               B. 2000              C. 1998               D. 2001


  1. How much did the gasoline price increase from 1999 to 2000?

A. Rs.1.50          B. Rs.1.0            C. Rs..20            D. Rs.0.50


The line graph below shows the height of a growing marigold plant from Monday to Saturday.

  1. What was the height of the plant on Wednesday?

A. 10 mm                    B. 15 mm           C. 20 mm          D. 25 mm


  1. How much did the plant grow from Monday to Saturday?

A. 25 mm           B. 20 mm          C. 30 mm          D. 35 mm


  1. Which point is labeled INCORRECTLY on the number line shown below?

A. 1/(1/2)           B. 2(1/4)            C. 1(1/4)             D. 2(1/2)



The bar graph below shows all the summer programs ABC Public School is offering for its students and the number of students signed-up for each of the program.

  1. How many people signed-up for swimming?

A. 50                   B. 42                   C. 48                   D. 45


  1. How many students did sign-up for either skating or aerobics?

A. 135                 B. 130                 C. 125                 D. 115


  1. How many students did not sign-up for baseball?

A. 180                 B. 210                 C. 234                 D. 225


  1. How many students signed-up for the summer programs altogether?

A. 265                 B. 315                 C. 285                 D. 295


Answer Keys

(11)–C; (12)–A; (13)–D; (14)–B; (15)–A; (16)–C; (17)–D; (18)–A; (19)–B; (20)–D