
Multiple & Factors Worksheet-10

Multiple & Factors Worksheet-10


  1. Prime factors of 140 are:

      A. 2×2×7           B. 2×2×5           C. 2×2×5×7      D. 2×2×5×7×3


  1. LCM of 81, 18 and 36 is:

      A. 81                  B. 162                 C. 324                 D. 36


  1. Example for co-prime numbers is:

      A. 25, 14            B. 18, 16             C. 9, 18               D. 11, 77


  1. The sum of the first five multiples of 6 is:

      A. 90                   B. 60                   C. 30                   D. 120


  1. The LCM of two numbers is x and their HCF is y. The product of twonumbers is:

      A. x/y                 B. y/x                  C. x + y               D. xy


  1. The least number which when decreased by 7 is exactly divisible by 12, 16, 18, 21 and 28 is:

      A. 1,012              B. 1,008             C. 1,015              D. 1,022


  1. The smallest number of 4-digits exactly divisible by 12, 15, 20 and 35 is:

      A. 1,000             B. 1,160              C. 1,260             D. none of these


  1. The greatest number that will divide 37, 50, 123 leaving remainder 1, 2 and 3 respectively is:

      A. 9                     B. 10                   C. 15                    D. 12


  1. The HCF of two number is 28 and their LCM is 336. If one number is 112 then the other number is:

      A. 64                   B. 84                   C. 34                   D. none of these


  1. The two consecutive prime numbers with difference 2 are called:

      A. Co-primes                                 B. twin primes

      C. composite                                  D. none of these


  1. The numbers which are not multiples of 2 are called:

      A. Even               B. odd                 C. prime             D. composite


  1. The two numbers which have only 1 as their common factor are called:

      A. Co-primes     B. twin prime    C. composite     D. none of these


  1. The numbers which have only two factors (1 and the number itself) are called as:

      A. composite     B. even               C. prime             D. none of these


  1. The numbers which have more than two factors are called:

      A. even               B. prime             C. composite     D. none of these


  1. The number which is neither prime nor composite is:

      A. 0                     B. 1                      C. 2                     D. 5


Answer Key:

(11)-C; (12)-C; (13)-A; (14)-A; (15)-D; (16)-C; (17)-C; (18)-D; (19)-B; (20)-B; (21)-B; (22)-A; (23)-C; (24)-C; (25)-B