
Prepositions Worksheet-30

Prepositions Worksheet-30


  1. He is not popular........the students.

A. by                   B. among            C. with                D. at


  1. She has great love........her children

A. for                  B. of                     C. by                    D. with


  1. He was prevented........going to college.

A. to                    B. of                     C. by                    D. from


  1. Listen ........what your teachers say.

A. at                    B. in                     C. to                     D. for


  1. Please beware........the dog.

A. of                    B. with                C. to                     D. for


  1. This book is a collection........Shakespeare's poems.

A. For                 B. of                     C. with                D. by


  1. They have quarrelled........a piece of land.

A. at                    B. On                  C. For                 D. over


  1. She wants to get rid........the brown fox.

A. for                  B. to                     C. with                D. of


  1. I was invited........tea by his mother.

A. for                  B. to                     C. with                D. in


  1. You cannot sea germs........naked eyes.

A. by                   B. with                C. for                  D. in


  1. He is not interested........playing and skiing.

A. in                    B. for                  C. by                   D. of


  1. He was fast asleep........his bed

A. into                 B. in                     C. by                 D. for


  1. We have a very good news........him.

A. for                  B. of                     C. to                   D. with


  1. They have been reading........7 o'clock.

A. for                  B. in                     C. since              D. at


  1. Never quarrel..........your friends.

A. to                    B. with                C. by                  D. over


  1. The four brothers always quarrelled........themselves.

A. to                    B. between        C. for                  D. among


  1. There were several policemen........duty on Republic Day.

A. to                    B. on                   C. for                  D. at


  1. These boys go to college........college bus.

A. by                   B. on                   C. to                     D. for


  1. He is not an honest man. You cannot rely........him.

A. To                   B. for                  C. at                     D. on


  1. He was fined........driving negligently.

A. to                    B. of                     C. by                   D. for


Answer Key:

  1. B

  2. A

  3. D

  4. C

  5. A

  6. B

  7. D

  8. D

  9. B

  10. B

  11. A

  12. B

  13. A

  14. C

  15. B

  16. D

  17. B

  18. A

  19. D

  20. D