
English & Logics Worksheet-4

English & Logics Worksheet-4


  1. The rope is hard to cut because it is so _____.

A. new                B. weak              C. sad                 D. thick


  1. The food tastes _______. It was prepared by _____chef.

A. great … an excellent                B. delicious … a bad

C. terrible … a good                     D. bad … an excellent


  1. Mary and Lata are _______ because they have the same father and mother.

A. women          B. friends           C. sisters            D. men


  1. After she completed the hard exercise class, Anuja felt _______.

A. strange          B. angry             C. tired               D. old


  1. After working on it for hours, Jay finally finished the _____puzzle.

A. easy                B. difficult         C. dangerous    D. wise


  1. Elephants are _____. Ants are_____ .

A. big … large                                B. small … big

C. tiny … small                              D. huge … tiny


  1. Adi got very _____because Mansi broke his toy.

A. hungry           B. upset              C. sleepy            D. slow


  1. Although Mamta tries to be on time for her class, she still arrives _____.

A. late                 B. great              C. silly                D. noisy


  1. The _____recipe has _____ ingredients.

A. simple … a lot                           B. difficult … few

C. complicated … many              D. sweet … bitter


  1. When I said the correct answer, the teacher told me that I was_______.

A. right               B. wrong            C. Bad                D. close


Answer Key:

  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A