
Pronouns Worksheet-9

Pronouns Worksheet-9


Pick out the personal pronoun in the given sentence:

  1. That man and _______ pets are a big nuisance.

A. Her                 B. Hers               C. His                 D. Their


  1. My sister has cooked all the food ______.

A. Himself         B. Herself          C. Myself           D. Yourself


  1. Our Principal, Mrs. Khorana, ______ will judge the essay competition.

A. Himself                                      B. Themselves

C. Myself                                        D. Herself


  1. ______ are costly shirts, aren’t they?

A. This                B. That               C. Those             D. Her


  1. My mother and _______ have gone for a movie.

A. Your               B. Yours             C. Her                 D. Mine


  1. Mohan is a nice boy. ______ father is a doctor.

A. Her                 B. His                 C. My                  D. Mine


  1. The girls are my friends. Please invite ______ to my party.

A. They               B. Her                 C. Them             D. Their


  1. This is the boy _______ always stands first.

A. My                  B. Whose           C. What              D. Who


  1. “Mummy,” said the boys, “______ room looks clean, doesn’t it?

A. My                  B. Yours             C. Mine              D. Our


  1. King Midas was a greedy king. ______ wished to have a lot of gold.

A. She                 B. He                  C. His                 D. Him


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Man’ is a male name; hence the possessive pronoun ‘his’ is appropriate.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Sister’ is a female name; hence the reflexive pronoun ‘herself’ is appropriate.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Mrs. Khorana’ is a female name; hence the emphatic pronoun ‘herself’ is appropriate.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Shirts’ is a plural common noun; hence the demonstrative pronoun ‘those’ is appropriate.


  1. B

Explanation: Since only a possessive pronoun is possible, ‘yours’ is appropriate.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Mohan’ is a male name; hence the possessive pronoun ‘his’ is appropriate.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Girls’ is a plural common noun; hence the personal objective pronoun ‘them’ is appropriate.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Boy’ is a male name; hence the relative pronoun ‘who’ is appropriate.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Boys’ is a plural common noun; hence the personal subjective pronoun ‘our’ is appropriate.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘King Midas’ is a male name; hence the personal subjective pronoun ‘he’ is appropriate.