
Microorganisms friends and foe Worksheet-13

Microorganisms friends and foe Worksheet-13


Answer the following Questions:

  1. (a) Name the virus responsible for the disease chicken pox.

(b) Define vaccination.

(c) Give the full form of ORS.

  1. (a) Tuberculosis is a highly infectious disease. Justify the statement.

(b) Which vitamin helps in the prevention of common cold?

  1. Draw a labelled diagram of virus.

  2. What is vaccination? Name any one vaccine used in our country.

  3. Can you store pickles in iron containers? Why?

  4. What precautions must be taken while taking antibiotics?

  5. (a) Write the causal organism of cholera.

(b) Write any two symptoms of this disease.

(c) Why ORS should be given to the patients suffering from cholera?

  1. Why are viruses considered to be on the borderline between living organisms and non-living things?

  2. How are bacteria beneficial for us?

  3. Write three types of bacteria on the basis of their shape. Give one example of each.

  4. (a) Are bacteria plants or animals? Give reasons in support of your answer.

(b) Write two differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria.

  1.  Name three communicable diseases.

  2. What is pasteurisation? Why do we boil milk before consuming it?

  3. How does a housefly transmit diseases?

  4. Where do microorganisms live?

  5. (a) What are antibiotics?

(b) How are antibiotics manufactured?

(c) Name two important antibiotics.

  1. What will happen if you take antibiotics when not needed?

  2. How does a vaccine act?

  3. How is common cold spread?

  4. How can you prevent the spread of communicable diseases?

  5. Name one 'carrier' of disease-causing microbes which contaminates food. How does it carry microbes?

  6. Name the carrier of malaria and dengue virus. Name the protozoa responsible for malaria.

  7. Give the methods of prevention of cholera.

  8. How does food become 'poison'?

  9. What will happen if yeast powder is put in sugar solution and kept for few hours? Name the process.