
Pronouns Notes [Level-3]

Pronouns Notes [Level-3]


Definition of pronoun:

A PRONOUN is a word that is used in place of a noun.

Example Paragraph:

HARRY is a small boy. HARRY loves to play. Today while playing HARRY broke the vase. So HARRY is very sad. But HARRY’S mother did not scold HARRY.


HARRY is a small boy. HE loves to play. Today while playing HE broke the vase. So HE is very sad. But HIS mother did not scold HIM.


Some more personal pronouns:

The personal pronouns – I and YOU

‘I’ is used when we talk about ourselves and ‘YOU’ is used for the person we are talking to.


  1. My name is Sunita. I am carrying a bag on my back.


  1. “Mother this card is for YOU,” said the little girl.


  1. YOU are not well,” said the doctor. “I will give YOU some medicine.”


  1. I love to swim. I swim for an hour every day.


Plural Personal Pronouns:

Singular          Plural

I                           We

You                      You

He                       They

She                      They

It                          They


  1. Jane, Anne, and I are sisters. WE sing for the church.

(Singular = I, Plural = WE)


  1. All of YOU must follow the coach’s instructions.

(Singular = YOU, Plural = YOU)


  1. He and Dick are friends. THEY have lunch together.

(Singular = He, Plural = THEY)


  1. She and Susan are friends. THEY are sharing a secret.

(Singular = She, Plural = THEY)


  1. It is on the line with two other tee shirts. THEY are not yet dry.

(Singular = It, Plural = THEY)


More personal pronouns

ME – used with I

HER – used with she

US – used with we

THEM – used with they

YOU – used with you

IT – used with it

HIM – used with he


I     WE     HE     SHE     YOU     THEY     IT


ME     US     HIM     HER     YOU     THEM     IT



  1. “Minnie took ME to the market,” said Bobby.


  1. I told HIM that he has a loud voice.


  1. We know HER. She is a good reporter.


  1. They are good friends. I have seen THEM together many times.


  1. We love to listen when Mother tells US a story every night.


  1. It is a fast train. I have travelled by IT many times.


Click here for Exercise-1

