
Correct Capitalization Worksheet-5

Correct Capitalization Worksheet-5


Choose the noun that should start with a capital letter:

  1. bus, taxi, rajeev, rickshaw

A. Bus                 B. Taxi                C. Rajeev           D. Rickshaw


  1. mrs. gandhi, lady, guest, house

A. Mrs. Gandhi                             B. Lady

C. Guest                                          D. House


  1. spoon, truth, irfan, player

A. Spoon            B. Truth             C. Irfan              D. Player


  1. men, women, hindu, children

A. Men               B. Women         C. Hindu            D. Children


  1. festival, holiday, christmas, birthday

A. Festival         B. Holiday         C. Christmas     D. Birthday


  1. city, ahmedabad, village, place

A. City                                             B. Ahmedabad

C. Village                                        D. Place


  1. mina, mirror, mist, mirage

A. Mina              B. Mirror           C. Mist               D. Mirage


  1. garden, flower, tree, may

A. Garden          B. Flower           C. Tree               D. May


  1. toys, boys, noise, jesus

       A. Toys               B. Boys               C. Noise             D. Jesus


  1. pencil, peter, pen, pestle

A. Pencil            B. Peter              C. Pen                 D. Pestle


  1. jacket, jaguar, james, jackal

A. Jacket            B. Jaguar           C. James            D. Jackal


  1. boy, rahul, child, book

A. Boy                 B. Rahul             C. Child              D. Book


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Rajeev’ is the name of a particular boy; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Mrs. Gandhi’ is the name of a particular woman; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Irfan’ is the name of a particular boy/man; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Hindu’ is the name of a particular community/ religion; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Christmas’ is the name of a particular festival; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Ahmedabad’ is the name of a particular city; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Mina’ is the name of a particular girl; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘May’ is the name of a particular month; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. D

       Explanation: ‘Jesus’ is the name of a particular god; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Peter’ is the name of a particular boy; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘James’ is the name of a particular boy; hence it should start with a capital letter.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Rahul’ is the name of a particular boy; hence it should start with a capital letter.