
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-18

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-18


  1. Choose the word that should start with a capital letter.

A. birthday        B. Diwali            C. holiday          D. none of these


  1. Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

_____ am waiting for the bus.

A. I                      B. We                  C. You                 D. They

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  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. The Indian flag is orange white and green.

B. The Indian flag is orange white and, green.

C. The Indian flag is Orange, white, and green.

D. none of these


  1. When I get ______--we are going to have a party.

A. theyre            B. their               C. there              D. none of these


  1. ______are those pencils I’ve been looking for!

A. their               B. there              C. theyre            D. none of these


  1. Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

I _____ reading books.

A. like                 B. likes               C. liking             D. none of these


  1. Which is not a complete sentence?

A. The school near the park.

B. I study at the school near the park.

C. a dark room

D. none of these


  1. Which word below has three syllables?

A. June               B. November    C. March           D. May


  1. What is the proper noun in this sentence?

"Yesterday morning I saw my good friend Deepu. We went to the mall and had some food to eat.

A. food                B. Yesterday      C. mall               D. Deepu


  1. Best sentence

A. One fish changes the size of the spots on it's back.

B. One fish changes the size of the spots on its back.

C. One fish change the size of the spots on its back.

D. One fish change the size of the spots on it's back.


Answer Keys:

(1)–D; (2)–A; (3)–C; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–A; (7)–B; (8)–B; (9)–A; (10)–B