
Using question tags Worksheet-8

Using question tags Worksheet-8


Supply the correct question tag:

  1. I have brought some oranges, ______

A. Have I?                                      B. Hasn’t I?

C. Hadn’t I?                                   D. Haven’t I?


  1. She is coming with you, ______

A. Isn’t she?                                   B. Isn't he?

C. Doesn't she?                             D. Doesn't he?


  1. That man is quite tall, _______

A. Isn't she?                                   B. Isn't he?

C. Wasn't she?                              D. Wasn't he?


  1. Hitesh can climb this tree, ______

A. Can he?                                      B. Could he?

C. Can’t he?                                   D. Couldn’t he?


  1. We shall have to try again, _______

A. Shan’t we?                                 B. Shall we?

C. Will we?                                     D. Wouldn’t we?


  1. You have written the letter, ______

A. Have you?                                 B. Haven’t you?

C. Doesn't you?                             D. Hasn’t you?


  1. Sunita will want to meet Harish, _______

A. Will she?                                    B. Wouldn’t she?

C. Won’t she?                                D. Wasn't she?


  1. I may come in, _____

A. May I?                                        B. Might I?

C. Mightn’t I?                                D. Mayn’t I?


  1. There are no short cuts, ________

A. Are there?                                 B. Is there?

C. Aren’t there?                             D. Weren’t there?


  1. The tea is not at all hot, _______

A. Isn’t it?                                       B. Wasn’t it?

C. Is it?                                            D. Was it?


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘have’ and ‘I’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. A

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘is’ and ‘she’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. B

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘is’ and ‘man’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. C

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘can’ and ‘he’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. A

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘shall’ and ‘we’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. B

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘have’ and ‘you’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. C

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘will’ and ‘Sunita’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. D

Explanation: The sentence is affirmative with ‘may’ and ‘I’ hence the tag is negative.


  1. A

Explanation: The sentence is negative with ‘are’ and ‘there’ hence the tag is affirmative.


  1. C

Explanation: The sentence is negative with ‘is’ and ‘tea’ hence the tag is affirmative.