
Reproduction in plants Worksheet-3

Reproduction in plants Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. The transfer of pollen from a stamen to a carpel is known as:

(a) Germination  (b) Pollination     (c) seed dispersal (d) Fertilization


  1. The parts of the flower labelled as X and Y in the diagram are:

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(a) X = petal, Y = anther                  (b) X = sepal, Y = anther

(c) X = petal, Y = stalk                      (d) X = sepal, Y = carpel


  1. The plant shown in the diagram is:

\\server\Quiz on Home\Mahesh B\simran\Grade-7-REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS\Final JPG\6.jpg

(Hint: it is a perennial herb plant)

(a) a hedge                                       (b) a spider plant

(c) a daffodil                                    (d) a strawberry plant


  1. Before sowing, the seeds are placed in boiled water to enhance germination. Which of the following reason is true?

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(a) To get the water to a suitable temperature for germination.

(b) To remove carbon dioxide from the water.

(c) To remove oxygen from the water.

(d) To kill germs in the water.


  1. Unequal number of daughter cells are produced in:

(a) Budding                                      (b) Fragmentation       

(c) spore formation                         (d) Fission


  1. A plant that flowers in its second year of growth and then dies is called:

(a) an annual       (b) a biennial       (c) a perennial     (d) a semi-annual


  1. Herbaceous perennials store food in their:

(a) Branches        (b) Leaves            (c) Roots              (d) Shoots


  1. Which of the following is not an annual plant?

(a) Corn               (b) Cabbage         (c) Wheat            (d) Sunflower


  1. If a flower is to be pollinated by moths, it should be:

(a) Yellow            (b) Purple            (c) Orange           (d) Red


  1. Which of the following is a plant whose seeds are dispersed by wind?

(a) Cottonwood  (b) Elm                 (c) Oak                 (d) Willow


  1. If a flower is to be pollinated by bees, it should be:

(a) White             (b) Blue                (c) Green             (d) Red


  1. When one plants potatoes, the "seed pieces" are actually the parts of:

(a) adventitious leaves                   (b) Rhizomes

(c) Suckers                                       (d) Stolons


  1. If a flower is to be pollinated by birds, it should be

(a) White             (b) Blue                (c) Green             (d) Red


  1. The part of a flower that protects the developing bud is the:

(a) Sepal              (b) Ovary             (c) Pistil               (d) Petal


  1. The part of the flower that produces pollen is the:

(a) Petal               (b) Pistil               (c) Anther            (d) Ovary


Answer Key:

  1. (B)
  2. (B)
  3. (B)
  4. (C)
  5. (A)
  6. (B)
  7. (C)
  8. (B)
  9. (A)
  10. (C)
  11. (B)
  12. (B)
  13. (D)
  14. (A)
  15. (C)