
Characteristic features of five kingdom system


Monera: Also known as Prokaryotae

  • Prokaryotic: This phylum includes all organisms made up of prokaryotic cells, i.e., the cell in which well defined nucleus and membrane bound organelles are absent.
  • Unicellular: These simple organisms are always unicellular, i.e., a single cell performs all life sustaining functions and able to live as an independent organism.
  • Mode of nutrition: These organisms can be autotrophic or heterotrophic, i.e., either they can synthesize their own food or obtain their food from other organisms.



Autotrophic: Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae


Heterotrophic: Most bacteria, Mycoplasma

    mycoplasma 2

  • Cell wall: They may or may not have cell wall.

Cell wall present: Bacteria, Cyanobacteria

Cell wall absent:  Mycoplasma

  • Size:  size is in the range of 0.15 micron to 2 microns.
  • Reproduction: these organisms reproduce by asexual mode usually by binary fission or budding.


Sub-Classification of Phylum Monera

  • Monera was further classified into two sub-kingdoms by Carl Woese in 1977.



  • Most archaebacteria are autotrophic. The source of energy used for synthesis can be chemical like methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide etc or light energy.



  • Bacteria have an outer cell wall the plasma membrane & cytoplasm with ribosomes.
  • A circular strand of DNA, usually coiled into one region of the cell, the nucleoid, serves as the single chromosome. They differ in their shape:

1. Bacilli: Rod-like

2. Coccus: Spherical

3. Spirilla: Spiral etc.


Bacilli- E. Coli:


Cocci- Staphylococcus aureus:


Spirilli- Clostridium: