
Adverb Notes-1 (Level-7)

Adverb-Study Notes-1


Adverbial phrases:

A group of words that does the work of an adverb.


  1. The soldiers fought IN A BRAVE MANNER.

(fought how? Ans: In a brave manner.

Thus, in a brave manner = Adverb phrase of manner)


  1. Those girls are sharing secrets ALL THE TIME.

(are sharing when? Ans: All the time.

Thus, all the time = Adverb phrase of time)


  1. The knight is standing ON TOP OF THE DRAWBRIDGE.

(is standing where? Ans: on top of the drawbridge.

Thus, on top of the drawbridge = Adverb phrase of place.


Position of oft-used adverbs:

Different types – different positions

Adverbs of manner (answer the question HOW?), time (answer the question WHEN?) and place (answer the question WHERE?) are usually placed after the verb or object (if there is one).

Adverbs of manner:

  1. It is raining HEAVILY.

(after the verb – is raining)


  1. Ma’am teaches History NICELY.

(after the object – History)


Adverbs of place:

  1. The macaw is sitting THERE.

(after the verb – is sitting)


  1. Bring the cage INSIDE.

(after the object – cage)


Adverbs of time:

  1. She told me a secret TODAY.

(after the objects – secret & me)


  1. The train will arrive SOON.

(after the verb – will arrive)


Things to remember:

For more than one adverb in a sentence:

Adverb of manner – Adverb of place – Adverb of time


  1. He read nicely in the class today.

(nicely = manner; in the class = place; today = time)


  1. She went skipping happily to her granny’s in the morning.

(happily – manner; to her granny’s = place, in the morning = time)


Position of adverbs of frequency:

Generally placed between the subject and the verb.


  1. She always wears good clothes. (between She & wears)


  1. The gifts are usually kept under the tree. (between are & kept)

Click here for Exercise-1

