Amazing Animals Worksheet-2
a. Animals are found only in the hot regions like desert.
b. Snake lives in caves.
c. Snakes live in burrows and desert is its habitat.
d. Some desert animals burrow themselves during the day to get protection from heat.
e. Feathers protect birds from their enemies.
f. Deer and goats have short and narrow teeth, which help them in pulling off the grass from the ground.
g. Squirrel and rabbit are rodents.
h. Insects breathe with the help of scales on their body.
i. Snakes move with the help of scales present underside of their body.
Fill in the blanks:
Answer Key:
(11) a. False
b. False
c. False
d. True
e. False
f. False
g. True
h. False
i. True
(12) 1-e; 2-a; 3-c; 4-b; 5-d
(13) desert/ deserts
(14) carnivore/ carnivores/ carnivorous