
Environmental Studies Worksheet-10

Environmental Studies Worksheet-10


  1. What can you do to conserve nonrenewable resources?

A. Burn more fossil fuel             

B. Recycle water and air

C. Recycle products made out of renewable resources

D. Recycle products made out of nonrenewable resources


  1. Which of the following part does not make fossil?

A. Bones             B. Shells             C. Teeth             D. Skin


  1. Some houses have wire netting in doors and windows. This is done to _____.

A. Prevent people from peeping inside the house

B. Look nice

C. Keep mosquitoes and flies away

D. All of these


  1. Which of the following present in the soil is most helpful for the growth of plants?

A. Humus          B. Sand               C. Clay                D. Small porous rocks


  1. Urea is used as a ____.

A. Seed               B. Manure         C. Fertiliser       D. Pesticide


  1. The following table contains some substances placed under the headings: solids, liquids and gases. Which of the following is placed under wrong group?

A. Salt                 B. Petrol             C. Oxygen        D. Kerosene


  1. Which of the following is not a part of soil?

A. Sand and clay                           B. Humus

C. Minerals                                    D. Steel


  1. Which type of energy is used for moving the bicycles?

A. Chemical energy                     B. Mechanical energy

C. Electrical energy                     D. Nuclear energy.


  1. By which of the following ways can we reuse water?

A. Use water that is drained out from the washing machine to wash the toilet

B. Use water that is drained out from the washing machine to water plants

C. Use water collected from rain to wash vegetables

D. Collect water from tap leaks to cook.


  1. What are the largest bodies of the water on the earth?

A. Lakes             B. Oceans          C. Rivers            D. Ponds


Answer Key:

(1)–D; (2)–D; (3)–C; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–D; (7)–D; (8)–B; (9)–A; (10)–B