
Basics of Physics Worksheet-7

Basics of Physics Worksheet-7


  1. Burning of charcoal is a chemical reaction, which produces _____.

A. thermal (heat) energy            B. coal energy

C. solar energy                             D. cooking energy


  1. How many type of electric charges are there?

A. One: positive                                     

B. Two: positive and negative

C. Three: positive, negative and neutral

D. One: negative


  1. What causes lower layers of Glaciers to turn into ice from snow?

A. Warm weather                        

B. Earth's heat

C. Weight of the upper layers of snow.

D. Weight of the lower layers of snow.


  1. At what temperature does the water freeze?

A. 32 degree Celsius                    B. 0 degree Celsius

C. 100 degree Celsius                  D. -4 degree Celsius


  1. Invisible light wave that are beyond the red color (on the left side) are called _____.

A. Ultrared waves                        B. Infraviolet waves

C. Infrared waves                         D. Ultraviolet waves


  1. What is the wavelength of the wave shown in the picture?

A. 2 nm              B. 1.5 nm           C. 1 nm               D. 0.8 nm


  1. The pull force from the hand to lift the load shown in picture is called ______.

A. Hand force                               B. Effort force

C. Friction force                           D. Downward force


  1. The area where a magnet is effective and can attract metal is called ____.

A. Attraction field                         B. Magnetic field

C. Metal field                                 D. Pull field


  1. A car is in motion on the road. What force is applied by the road on the car?

A. Gravity          B. Magnetic      C. Friction         D. Static


  1. Which of the following sound will be louder?

A. A low amplitude sound          B. A high amplitude sound

C. A low energy sound               D. A high wavelength sound


Answer Key:

1.-(a); 2.-(b); 3.-(c); 4.-(b); 5.-(c); 6.-(a); 7.-(b); 8.-(b); 9.-(c); 10.-(b)