Science Olympiad Miscellaneous Worksheet-13
True or False.
Acids have a pH level below 7.
An electron carries a positive charge.
A neutron has no net electric charge.
Bases have a pH level below 7.
A proton carries a positive charge.
The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles.
An adult human body has over 500 bones.
Sound travels faster through water than air.
The Indian Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.
Science Olympiad Miscellaneous Worksheet-14
(a) Gravity (b) Magnetism (c) Electricity (d) God
(a) Mammal (b) Reptile (c) Insect (d) Arachnid
(a) A Supernova Explosion (b) Sound
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True or False.
The spaces between the molecules are filled in a saturated solution.
A scale model is a full-scale, fully operational version of the design.
Sediments are loose materials that have been moved by wind, rain, ice and gravity.
When magma reaches the Earth's surface and flows from volcanoes, it is called lava.
A carnivore is an animal that only eats flesh.
Rocks are a mixture of minerals, volcanic glass, organic matter and other minerals.
A herbivore is an animal that only eats plants.
Rock is a mixture of minerals volcanic glass, organic matter and other minerals.