
Animal Life Worksheet-13

Animal Life Worksheet-13


  1. Animals can be grouped into two categories, plant eaters and animal eaters. Which of the following organism is placed INCORRECTLY?

A. Plant eaters

B. Animal eaters

C. Plant eaters

D. Animal eaters


  1. Which of the following does not reproduce by laying eggs?

A.                                B.

C.                                 D.


The diagram above illustrates the process of ___.

A. Moulting                                    B. Reproduction

C. Life cycle                                   D. Food chain


  1. What are the learned traits?

A. Something that defines an animal.

B. Something that are learn from experience.

C. A chemistry course.

D. A biology course.


  1. How does an animal smell an odor?

A. Smell signals are sensed by the mouth and then sent to the heart to identify the smell.

B. Smell signals are sensed by the nose and then sent to the heart to identify the smell.

C. Smell signals are sensed by the nose and then sent to the brain to identify the smell.

D. Smell signals are sensed by the mouth and then sent to the brain to identify the smell.


  1. How do reptiles reproduce?

A. They have babies.                    B. They clone.

C. They lay eggs.                           D. None of the above


  1. Animals that eat only plants are called ______.

A. Herbivores   B. Carnivores    C. Omnivores   D. Ruminants


  1. Which one is not a consumer?

A. Frog               B. Rabbit           C. Shark             D. Tree


  1. Which gas in the air is used by animals for breathing?

A. Carbon Dioxide                       B. Oxygen

C. Nitrogen                                   D. Hydrogen


Answer Key:

(1)–D; (2)–B; (3)–A; (4)–B; (5)–C; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–D; (9)–B