
Kingdom plantae




  • They are made up of eukaryotic cells, i.e., they contain a well defined nucleus and membrane bound organelles. The important feature of plant cell is that they have special organelle known as plastids. These plastids help:
  1. in the process of photosynthesis
  2. providing color to the part of the plant
  3. storage of different plant products. Also they have large vacuoles and few or no lysosomes unlike animal cell.


Cell wall:

  • Plant cells are covered by an outer dead membrane known as cell wall. In plants it is made up of cellulose.


Body organization:

  • They are multicellular organisms. The cells may be differentiated into tissues/ organs. On the basis of differentiation, they are further classified into different groups. Body appears to be irregular in shape due to the presence of branches.



  • Organisms of kingdom plantae are non- motile. Their body is comprised of dead and living tissues so as to provide support/ mechanical strength and growth respectively.


Mode of nutrition:

  • Plants are autotrophic, i.e. they are able to synthesize food in the presence of sunlight. The reserve food material in these organisms is starch and lipids [oil and fats].
  • Reproduction:
    Plants can reproduce by both asexual [regeneration/ vegetative propagation] and sexual mode.