
Food-Our Basic Need Worksheet-11

Food-Our Basic Need Worksheet-11


True or False

  1. Iron is needed to form blood.

  2. Potassium is needed to form blood.

  3. Lack of iron in the body causes a disease called anaemia.

  4. The part of food that cannot be digested is called roughage.

  5. Lack of calcium in the body causes a disease called anaemia.

  6. Roughage helps to remove waste material out of our body.

  7. One-fifth of our body weight is made up of water.

  8. We should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.

  9. The food which is healthy for us is called junk food.

  10. The food which is unhealthy for us is called junk food.



  1. True

  2. False

  3. True

  4. True

  5. False

  6. True

  7. False

  8. True

  9. False

  10. True