
Human Life Worksheet-1

Human Life Worksheet-1


  1. What is a digestive system?

A. A body system that eats and digests food.

B. A body system that produces food.

C. A mechanical system that eats and digests food.

D. A body system that helps you taste food.


  1. What is the primary function of mouth and teeth?

A. It helps swallow the food.     

B. It helps chewing and grinding food into small pieces.

C. It helps smell the food.

D. It helps cutting the food.


  1. What is a typical shape of a stomach?

A. Like a big sack                         B. Like a tube

C. Like a pyramid                        D. Like multiple small sacks


  1. What is an approximate length of small intestine in an adult?

A. One mile                                    B. Ninety meters

C. Two feet                                    D. Six meters


  1. Which organ processes the waste water?

A. Liver                                         B. Kidney          

C. Small intestine                         D. Large intestine


  1. Which part of the body provides you visual sense?

A. Mouth           B. Eye                 C. Skin                D. Nose


  1. Which part of the body provides you sense of sound?

A. Nose               B. Eye                 C. Skin                D. Ear


  1. What happens to the image that is created at the back of an eye?

A. Signals of the image are sent to the spinal cord and spinal cord recognizes the image.

B. Signals of the image are sent to the brain and brain recognizes the image.

C. Sounds of the image are sent to the spinal cord and spinal cord recognizes the image.

D. None of the above


  1. How does someone feel a touch?

A. Pressure receptors under the skin feel the pressure from touch and send a signal to the brain.

B. Pressure receptors under the nose feel the pressure from touch and send a signal to the brain.

C. Brain cells feel the touch pressure.

D. Electrical charge generated from touch sends a signal to the brain.


  1. How does taste sense work?

A. Pressure receptors on the tongue send the taste signals from the food to the brain and brain recognizes the taste.

B. Taste buds on the tongue send the taste signals from the food to the brain and brain recognizes the taste.

C. Taste particles are sent to the brain directly.

D. All of the above.


Answer Key:

1.-(a); 2.-(b); 3.-(a); 4.-(d); 5.-(b); 6.-(b); 7.-(d); 8.-(b); 9.-(a); 10.-(b)