
Plant Life Worksheet-1

Plant Life Worksheet-1


Observe the given picture carefully and the Q.1-Q.4

  1. Arrow-1 represents:

A. Movement of water into the roots

B. Movement of mineral salts into the roots

C. Absorption of water and minerals by the roots from the soil


  1. ____ represents the release of oxygen by the plants in the atmosphere.

A. Arrow 1         B. Arrow 2         C. Arrow 3

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  1. What is the main function of chlorophyll?

A. To perform the process of photosynthesis in the presence of Sunlight

B. To absorb water and minerals from the soil

C. To give green colour to the leaves


  1. _____ represents the absorption of carbon dioxide by the plants from the atmosphere.

A. Arrow 1         B. Arrow 2         C. Arrow 3


  1. The tiny pores present on the leaves are known as:

A. Cells               B. Chlorophyll  C. Stomata


  1. Many plants wilt in the summer because of lack of enough amount of:

A. Air                  B. Water            C. Sunlight


  1. Which of the following provides water and mineral salts to the plant?

A. Stem              B. Roots             C. Leaves


  1. The flat, broad part of a leaf is known as:

A. Margin          B. Leaf blade    C. Any of these


Answer Keys

(1)–C; (2)–B; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–B; (8)–B