
Soil Worksheet-2

Soil Worksheet-2


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Physical disintegration of rocks into smaller pieces is called:

(A) pedogenesis 

(B) chemical weathering                

(C) mechanical weathering


  1. The decomposition of rock on exposure to water and atmospheric gases is known as:

(A) pedogenesis 

(B) chemical weathering                

(C) mechanical weathering           


  1. Where do sediments come from?

(A)sediments get accumulated as dust gets mixed with other particles

(B) rock weathering produces sediment

(C) there have always been sediments on Earth


  1. Clay is a product of:

(A) mechanical weathering            (B) Oxidation of organic wastes

(C) rapid cooling of magma            (D) chemical weathering


  1. Oxidation occurs when:

(A) rocks are exposed to the atmosphere       

(B) rocks are deeply buried

(C) feldspars are chemically altered to clays

(D) water dissolves rocks


  1. The most common end product of the chemical weathering of quartz is:

(A) pyroxene                

(B) clay               

(C) quartz does not weather chemically

(D) calcite


  1. Soil with approximately equal proportions of sand, silt, and clay along with definite amount of organic matter is called:

(A) humus           (B) loam               (C) caliche          


  1. Which of the following is the characteristic of soil horizons?

(A) They are classified by assigned letters               

(B) boundaries between soil horizons are usually transitional rather than sharp

(C) they can be distinguished from one another by appearance and chemical composition

(D) all of these


  1. The soil horizon rich in organic matter is the:

(A) B horizon                                    (B) O horizon               

(C) A horizon                                    (D) C horizon


  1. Tropical soils are typically:

(A) very fertile                                 (B) deeply leached                

(C) good for agriculture                 (D) rich in organic material


Answer Key:

  1. (C)
  2. (B)
  3. (B)
  4. (D)
  5. (A)
  6. (C)
  7. (B)
  8. (D)
  9. (B)
  10. (B)