
Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-6

Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-6


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. What happens when we put some sugar in water?

(A) Sugar molecules occupy the empty space between the water molecules and get dissolved

(B) Sugar does not dissolve in water

(C) It forms a layer on the top of water


  1. Ice is a ____ form of water.

(A) Solid                      (B) Liquid                   (C) Gas


  1. Which of the following cannot form a solution?

(A) Sugar in water    (B) Water in milk      (C) Sand in water


  1. What is obtained when water with sand is filtered through a filter paper?

(A) Water and sand both

(B) Water

(C) Sand


  1. What do we observe when the steel plate placed on the pan of boiling water cools down?

(A) Steam formed on the plate cools down and forms water droplet

(B) Vapours are formed on the back side of the plate

(C) None of these


  1. A liquid obtained after dissolving a solute in a solvent is known as:

(A) Solute                    (B) Solvent                  (C) Solution


  1. What happens when we drop a coin in a cup of water?

(A) It sinks                  (B) It floats                  (C) Water spills out


  1. Why do railway tracks have gap between them?

(A) To allow expansion and contraction of metal due to change in temperatures

(B) To allow the train movement in proper manner

(C) To reduce the risk of train accidents


  1. LPG stands for:

(A) Liquid propeller gas

(B) Liquid petrol gas

(C) Liquefied petroleum gas


  1. The shape of an Aluminium sheet changes on beating it with a hammer. This shows that:

(A) Liquids change their shape on applying force

(B) Solids change their shape on applying force

(C) Gases change their shape on applying force


Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

  1. Which of the following solid melts on heating?

(A) Ice                          (B) Wood                    (C) Candle

(D) Paper                    (E) Handkerchief


  1. True/False

a.      Water exists in all the three states of matter.

b.      Solids have definite shape and volume.

c.      Ice is formed on boiling the water.

d.      Molecules of the substance vibrate faster on heating the substance.

e.      The space between the molecules is least in gaseous state.

f.       One drop of water has billions of water molecules.

g.      The process of transformation (change) of liquid into gas is known as evaporation.

h.      The space between the molecules is maximum in the gaseous state.

i.       Water present in the air is known as water vapour.


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The process of transformation (change) of liquid into gas is known as____.


Answer Key:

(1)     (A)

(2)    (A)

(3)    (C)

(4)    (B)

(5)    (A)

(6)    (C)

(7)    (A)

(8)    (A)

(9)    (C)

(10)  (B)

(11)   (A,C)

(12)  a. True; b. True; c. False; d. True; e. False; f. True; g. True; h. True; i. True

(13)  evaporation/ evaporations