
Cell structure and function Worksheet-3

Cell structure and function Worksheet-3


  1. Cell can be divided into-

A. Cell membrane                        B. Cell wall

C. Nucleus                                      D. Protoplasm

E. Cytoplasm


  1. Protoplasm comprises of-

A. Water                                         B. Vitamins

C. Minerals                                    D. Carbohydrates

E. Glycogen                                    F. Cellulose

G. Protein                                       H. Oils


  1. The structure associated with heredity are-

A. RNA                                            B. DNA

C. Genes                                         D. Chromatin

E. Nucleolus                                  F. Ribosomes

G. Chromosomes


  1. Select the right pair-

A. Ribosomes-protein synthesis

B. Cell wall- semipermeable

C. Lysosomes- digestive enzymes

D. Leucoplast- coloured plastid

E. Mitochondria- suicidal bag


  1. What is/are the function/s performed by cell wall?

A. Protects the cell from external injuries

B. Many enzyme actions take place in it

C. Gives mechanical support to animal cells

D. Helps in movement of water and mineral salts

E. Gives shape and rigidity to the cells.


  1. What is/are the function/s performed by plasma membrane?

A. Protects the cytoplasm and other cell organelles.

B. Controls entry and exit of water molecules.

C. Gives shape and rigidity to the cells.

D. Gives mechanical support to plant cells.

E. Many enzyme actions take place in it.


  1. Which statements is true for Mitochondria?

A. Inner wall being folded to form the cristae

B. Sites for protein synthesis

C. Site of ATP (energy) production

D. Storage of energy during cellular respiration

E. Double membrane structure


  1. What is true for ribosomes?

A. Membrane-less organelles

B. Dispersed freely in the cytoplasm

C. Absent in prokaryotic cells

D. Composed mainly of RNA

E. Sites of ATP (energy) production

F. Attached to the endoplasmic reticulum


  1. What are the functions of lysosomes?

A. Secrets hormones and enzymes

B. Help in the digestion of food particles

C. Provide a defence against bacteria and viruses

D. Help in the movement of chromatids

E. Sites for photosynthesis

F. Digest worn out parts of a cell


  1. What is true about chloroplast?

A. Chlorophyll is present

B. Double-walled structure

C. Impart beautiful colours to flowers

D. Sites for photosynthesis

E. Stored food material and starch


  1. What are characteristics of plant cell?

A. Outermost boundary of the cell is the plasma membrane

B. Cell wall made of cellulose is present

C. Centrosome is generally present

D. Polar caps are present


  1. What are the characteristics of prokaryotic cell?

A. Cell size is smaller than eukaryotic cell

B. Membrane bounded cell organelles are present

C. Reproduction through mitosis and meiosis

D. Ribosomes are present

E. Single circular DNA is present


  1. What are the characteristics of eukaryotic cell?

A. Cell size is smaller than eukaryotic cell

B. Membrane bounded cell organelles are present

C. Reproduction through mitosis and meiosis

D. Ribosomes are present

E. Single circular DNA is present


Answer Key:

  1. A,D

  2. A,C,D,G,H

  3. B,D,E,G

  4. A,C

  5. A,D,E

  6. A,B

  7. A,C,E

  8. B,D,F

  9. B,C,F

  10. A,B,D

  11. B,D

  12. A,D,E

  13. B,C,D