
Our earth Worksheet-4

Our earth Worksheet-4


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. The movement of Earth around the _______ in a fixed path is called revolution.

A. sun                 B. moon


  1. The movement of Earth around the sun in a ______ path is called revolution.

A. fixed               B. moving


  1. What is the movement around the sun in a fixed path called?

A. Rotation        B. Revolution


  1. The Earth takes about ______ days to complete one revolution.

A. 365                 B. 495                 C. 646


  1. How many days make a year?

A. 365                 B. 495                 C. 646


  1. What causes changes in the seasons?

A. Revolution of the Earth          B. Rotation of the Earth


Multiple  choice questions: (with more than one option)

  1. Tick the following thing/s that make our Earth a very special planet.

A. Land              B. Water            C. Air                  D. Plants


  1. Tick the following thing/s that are very important for living things and cannot live without them.

A. Land              B. Water            C. Air                  D. Table

E. Parachute     F. Glider


  1. Tick the following movement/s of our Earth.

A. Rotation                                     B. Revolution

C. Constellation                            D. Roundation


  1. Tick the living forms that are the part of our environment.

A. Air                  B. Water            C. Land              D. Animals

E. Plants


  1. Which of the following factor/s cause harm to our environment?

A. Making air unclean.

B. Making water dirty.

C. Cutting down trees.

D. Throwing garbage on land and in water bodies.

E. Planting trees

F. Throwing  the wastes in the dustbin.


  1. Which of the following ways should we follow to protect our environment?

A. Plant more trees.

B. Do not use plastic bags.

C. Keep your surrounding clean.

D. Use water and electricity carefully.

E. Reuse items like paper and cans.


Answer Key:

  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A,B,C,D
  8. A,B,C
  9. A,B
  10. A,B,C,D,E
  11. A,B,C,D
  12. A,B,C,D,E