
English Olympiad Grade 2 Pronouns Worksheet-1

English Pronouns Worksheet-1


Identify pronoun.

  1. A. Maria            B. She                 C. Narrow         D. Brown


  1. A. We                  B. Book              C. Must              D. Read


  1. A. Was                B. Slowly            C. Will                D. Her

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  1. A. He                  B. Myself           C. Herself          D. All of these


  1. A. June               B. Were              C. Off                  D. None of these


  1. A. Run                B. Word             C. Mine              D. Jess


  1. A. Empty           B. Me                  C. With               D. Thin


  1. A. Yours             B. Quickly          C. Dizzy              D. Woman


  1. A. And                B. Is                    C. It                     D. Are


  1. A. You                 B. hers                C. Them             D. All of these



(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–D; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (10)–D