
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-9

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-9


  1. Which greeting is NOT written correctly?

A. Dear Danny,                             B. Dear Uncle Vijay,

C. Dear, Somu                              D. Dear Somu,


  1. What is the complete subject of the following sentence?

The green frog ate the helpless fly.

A. The frog                                     B. The green frog

C. The frog ate                              D. The helpless fly


  1. Choose the correct possessive noun.

There is one cat. It's tail is long.

A. cats' tail        B. cat tail           C. cat's tail        D. cats tail

Click here for english animated stories with interactive quiz

  1. Which of the following is an example of an exclamation?

A. How old is your brother?

B. Make your bed before you go to school.

C. What a huge cat that is!

D. I like to eat outside.


  1. What is the suffix in the word thankful?

A. than               B. thank             C. thankful        D. ful


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. My best friends are Monu, Sonu, and, Dimpu.

B. My best friends are Monu, and Sonu, and Dimpu.

C. My best friends are Monu, Sonu, and Dimpu.

D. My best friends are Monu Sonu and Dimpu.


  1. Which sentence is an example of a statement?

A. Save me a seat in the library.

B. Give this to my brother.

C. I went to the park yesterday.

D. Why did you choose that movie?


  1. Which sentence is written correctly?

A. She used a softly voice. B. I tried to speak slowly.

C. This is a badly idea.                D. That sound is nicely.


  1. Which of the following is a command?

A. We walked to the new park.

B. Look both ways before you cross the street.

C. I am going to clean my room.

D. When will you be finished?


  1. Which of the following sentences show the proper use of the semi-colon?

A. I want to wear the red shirt; my favorite color is red.

B. The war; is imminent the armies are ready.

C. I wear a sweater and a jacket nevertheless; I am still cold.

D. none of these


Answer Keys:

(1)–C; (2)–B; (3)–C; (4)–C; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–C; (8)–B; (9)–B; (10)–A