
Sentence structuring Worksheet-3

Sentence structuring Worksheet-3


Arrange the words to form a correct sentence:

  1. have I four shirts

(a) Shirts I have four.                       (b) Four I have shirts.

(c) I have four shirts.                       (d) Have four shirts I.


  1. must drink milk children every day

(a) Milk must drink children every day.

(b) Children must drink milk every day.

(c) Every day must drink milk children.

(d) Drink every day must children milk.


  1. am years old seven I

(a) Years old I am seven.                 (b) I am old seven years.

(c) I am seven years old.                 (d) Old I am seven years.


  1. milk in the glass there is

(a) Glass is there in the milk.          (b) In the milk there is glass.

(c) Milk in the glass there is.           (d) There is milk in the glass.


  1. my father doctor is a

(a) Doctor is a my father.               (b) My father is a doctor.

(c) My doctor is a father.                (d) A doctor is my father.


  1. sisters has two my friend

(a) My sisters has two friend.         (b) My friend has two sisters.

(c) My two has sisters friend.         (d) Friend has my two sisters.


  1. a doll this is

(a) This is a doll.                              (b) A doll is this.

(c) Doll this is a.                               (d) This doll is a.


  1. flower that is a beautiful

(a) A beautiful flower that is.         (b) Is beautiful flower that a.

(c) That is a beautiful flower.         (d) Flower beautiful that is a.


  1. brush my teeth I twice a day

(a) I brush teeth my a day twice.   (b) I brush my teeth twice a day.

(c) I my teeth brush twice a day.   (d) A day I brush my teeth twice.


  1. a an apple fruit is

(a) A apple is an fruit.                     (b) A fruit is an apple.

(c) Is an fruit a apple.                      (d) An apple is a fruit.


Answer Key:

  1. C

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘I’ continue with ‘have’ and end with ‘four shirts.’

  1. B

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘children’ continue with ‘must drink’ and end with ‘milk every day.’

  1. C

Sol: The correct way to make the sentence is to start with ‘I’ continue with ‘am’ and end with ‘ten years old.’

  1. D

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘there’ continue with ‘is’ and end with ‘milk in the glass.’

  1. B

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘my father’; continue with ‘is’ and end with ‘a doctor.’

  1. B

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘my friend’ continue with ‘has’ and end with ‘two sisters.’

  1. A

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘this’; continue with ‘is’ and end with ‘a doll.’

  1. C

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘that’; continue with ‘is’ and end with ‘a beautiful flower.’

  1. B

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘I’ continue with ‘brush’ and ‘my teeth’ and end with ‘twice a day.’

  1. D

Sol: The correct way to form the sentence is to start with ‘an apple’ continue with ‘is’ and end with ‘a fruit.’