
Sentence Structuring Worksheet-4

Sentence Structuring Worksheet-4


Arrange the words to make a meaningful sentence:

  1. in /this/ world/are/ there/ types/of/various/animals and birds

A. In this world various types of there are animals and birds.

B. There are various types of animals and birds in this world.

C. Various types in the world of animals and birds are there.

D. World in this there are various types of animals and birds.


  1. rabbit / did/ win/ not/ the/race/ the

A. The did rabbit win not the race.

B. The race did not win the rabbit.

C. Did rabbit the not win the race.

D. The rabbit did not win the race.


  1. school /has / class /twenty/ rooms /staffrooms/ our/and four

A. Twenty staffrooms and four class rooms has our school.

B. Twenty class rooms and four staffrooms has our school.

C. Our school has twenty class rooms and four staffrooms.

D. Has twenty staffrooms and four class rooms our school.


  1. us/ go/ watch/ let /movie /a / tomorrow

A. Us go watch a movie let tomorrow

B. Let us go watch a movie tomorrow.

C. Let go watch a tomorrow movie us.

D. A movie let us go tomorrow watch.


  1. sun /rises /east /in /the / and sets /the /in /west /the

A. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

B. The rises sun in the east and sets in the west.

C. The sun and sets in the west rises in the east.

D. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east.


  1. name /his/mother’s/ Shital/ is

A. Mother’s name his Shital is.

B. Name Shital is his mother’s.

C. Mother’s name Shital is his.

D. His mother’s name is Shital.


  1. great / man / he/ was /a / what!

A. What a great man he was!

B. What was he a great man!

C. A great man he was what!

D. What great man he was a!


  1. leopard/ the /the /fastest /animal /world /in /is/the

A. The world is the fastest animal in the leopard.

B. The leopard is the fastest animal in the world.

C. The fastest animal is the leopard in the world.

D. Fastest the animal is the leopard in the world.


  1. good source / knowledge / of / are / ‘Amar Chitra Katha Comics’/and entertainment

A. A good source of knowledge and entertainment ‘Amar Chitra Katha Comics’ are.

B. A source of good knowledge and entertainment ‘Amar Chitra Katha Comics’ are.

C. ‘Amar Chitra Katha Comics’ are a good source of knowledge and entertainment.

D. Source of a good knowledge and entertainment ‘Amar Chitra Katha Comics’ are.


  1. is doing / her / my / now / project work / friend

A. Project work is doing now my friend her.

B. My friend is doing her project work now.

C. Is doing her project work now my friend.

D. Now is doing her project work my friend.


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: This is a statement that has to start with the introductory ‘there’ followed by the verb – other words order.

  1. D

Explanation: This is a statement and so we follow the subject – verb – other words order.

  1. C

Explanation: This is a statement and so we use the subject – verb – other words order.

  1. B

Explanation: There is a suggestion in this statement so it starts with ‘let’ and then continues in the subject – verb – other words order.

  1. A

Explanation: The statement must follow the subject – verb – other words order. The factual part of the statement should also be kept in mind. Thus option D is wrong.

  1. D

Explanation: Follow the subject – verb – other words order.

  1. A

Explanation: This is an exclamatory sentence so the object – subject – verb order must be followed.

  1. B

Explanation: Follow the subject – verb – other words order. Do not forget to use ‘the’ in front of the superlative adjective ‘fastest.’

  1. C

Explanation: This is a statement and so we use the subject – verb – other words order.

  1. B

Explanation: This is a statement and so we follow the subject – verb – other words order.