
Simple Past Tense Worksheet-7

Simple Past Tense Worksheet-7


Fill in the blank with the past tense of the verb given in the bracket:

  1. We all _____ together yesterday. (play)

A. Playing          B. Played           C. Play                D. Player


  1. Mr. Shah _____ loudly, but we did not hear. (speak)

A. Spiked           B. Spokes           C. Spoke             D. spoken


  1. They ______ at 4 o’clock. (arrive)

A. Arriving        B. Arove             C. Arrived           D. Areaved


  1. My mother _____ last night. (come)

A. Came             B. Coming         C. Combed        D. Comed


  1. We _____ the film last week. (watch)

A. Watching      B. Will watch    C. Watched       D. Watcher


  1. The boys _____ the whole cake. (eat)

A. Eaten             B. Eating            C. Eater              D. Ate


  1. We ____ with friends last night. (stay)

A. Staying          B. Stayed           C. Staid              D. Sated


  1. Who _____ this picture? (paint)

A. Painter          B. Painting        C. Paints            D. Painted


  1. Sonal _____ this sketch with her new pencils. (draw)

A. Drew              B. Drawing        C. Draws            D. Drawer


  1. My mother _____ a fruit cake yesterday. (bake)

A. Baking           B. Bakes             C. Baked            D. Baker


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Played’ is the past tense of ‘play.’

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Spoke’ is the past tense of ‘speak.’

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Arrived’ is the past tense of ‘arrive.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Came’ is the past tense of ‘come.’

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Watched’ is the past tense of ‘watch.’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Ate’ is the past tense of eat.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Stayed’ is the past tense of ‘stay,’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Painted’ is the past tense of ‘paint.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Drew’ is the past tense of ‘draw.’

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Baked’ is the past tense of ‘bake.’