
Simple past tense Worksheet-3

Simple past tense Worksheet-3


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb forms:

A. She chosen the red dress and I took the blue one.

B. She chose the red dress and I took the blue one.

C. She chose the red dress and I taked the blue one.

D. She chose the red dress and I taken the blue one.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. She plucked the flowers; I saw her.

B. She plucked the flowers; I have seen her.

C. She plucked the flowers; I seen her.

D. She have plucked the flowers; I saw her.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. The girl hurried into the room.

B. The girl hurryed into the room.

C. The girl hurrying into the room.

D. The girl have hurried into the room.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. I sleeping at 10 o’clock last night.

B. I slept at 10 o’clock last night.

C. I sleeped at 10 o’clock last night.

D. I slepped at 10 o’clock last night.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. There was being a large crowd to see the film star.

B. There had being a large crowd to see the film star.

C. There was a large crowd to see the film star.

D. There been a large crowd to see the film star.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. Our car was broke down yesterday evening.

B. Our car has broke down yesterday evening.

C. Our car broken down yesterday evening.

D. Our car broke down yesterday evening.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. On seeing the dog, the driver was braked suddenly.

B. On seeing the dog, the driver braken suddenly.

C. On seeing the dog, the driver braked suddenly.

D. On seeing the dog, the driver broked suddenly.


  1. Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. The dog is barked at the stranger.

B. The dog was barked at the stranger.

C. The dog have barked at the stranger.

D. The dog barked at the stranger.


  1.  Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. The archer shooted an arrow into the bull’s eye.

B. The archer shot an arrow into the bull’s eye.

C. The archer has shot an arrow into the bull’s eye.

D. The archer shotted an arrow into the bull’s eye.


  1.  Choose the sentence with the correct simple past tense verb form:

A. E.S. Dhoni have hit 7 sixes in yesterday’s match.

B. E.S. Dhoni was hit 7 sixes in yesterday’s match.

C. E.S. Dhoni hitted 7 sixes in yesterday’s match.

D. E.S. Dhoni hit 7 sixes in yesterday’s match.


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Chose & Took’ are the past tenses of ‘choose & take’ respectively; hence option B is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Plucked & saw’ are the past tenses of ‘pluck & take’; hence option A is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Hurried’ is the past tense of ‘hurry’; hence option A is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Slept’ is the past tense of ‘sleep’; hence option B is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Was’ is the past tense (singular) of ‘be’; hence option is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Broke’ is the past tense of ‘break’; hence option D is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Braked’ is the past tense of ‘brake’; hence option C is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Barked’ is the past tense of ‘bark’; hence option D is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Shot’ is the past tense of ‘shoot’; hence option B is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Hit’ itself is the past tense of ‘hit’; hence option D is correct.