
Simple Past Tense Worksheet-10

Simple Past Tense Worksheet-10


Fill in the blank with the past tense of the verb given in the bracket:

  1. Never cry over ____ milk. (spill)

A. Spilling          B. Spilt               C. Spoilt             D. Spillen


  1. Sheila ____ the water bottle for me. (fill)

A. Fulled            B. Filling            C. Filed              D. Filled


  1. The woodcutter _____ many trees. (cut)

A. Cutted           B. Cutting          C. Cuts               D. Cut


  1. The batsman ______ ten fours. (hit)

A. Hit                  B. Hitting           C. Hated            D. Hitted


  1. The maid ______ the room quickly. (clean)

A. Cleaned         B. Cleaning       C. Cleaner         D. Cleant


  1. She _____ the table after dinner. (wipe)

A. Wiping          B. Wipt               C. Wept              D. Wiped


  1. Shital ____ the table for lunch. (lay)

A. Layed             B. Laid               C. Lade               D. Late


  1. We _____ the saplings in a row. (plant)

A. Planted          B. Planting        C. Plants            D. Plantied


  1. I _____ your letter yesterday. (receive)

A. Received       B. Receives        C. Receiving      D. Recieved


  1. He _____ everything he was told. (believe)

A. Believing       B. Believes         C. Belived          D. Believed


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Spilt’ is the past tense of ‘spill.’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Filled’ is the past tense of ‘fill.’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Cut’ is the past tense of ‘cut.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Hit’ is the past tense of ‘hit.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Cleaned’ is the past tense of ‘clean.’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Wiped’ is the past tense of ‘wipe.’

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Laid’ is the past tense of ‘lay.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Planted’ is the past tense of ‘plant.’

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Received’ is the past tense of ‘receive.’

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Believed’ is the past tense of ‘believe.’