Singular-Plural Worksheet-3
His books, as well as his bag, are new.
A. His book, as well as his bag’s, being new.
B. His book, as well as his bag, are new.
C. His book, as well as his bag, is new.
D. His book, as well as his bags, are new.
Her brother wants to meet you.
A. Their brothers want to meet you.
B. Theirs brothers want to meet you.
C. Their brother’s wants to meet you.
D. Their brothers are wanting to meet you.
This car will compete in the race.
A. These cars will compete in the racing.
B. These cars will compete in the races.
C. Those cars will competing in the races.
D. The cars will compete in the race.
That trophy will be presented to the winner.
A. Those trophies will be presented to the winner’s.
B. That trophies will be presented to the winners.
C. Those trophy’s will be presented to the winner’s.
D. Those trophies will be presented to the winners.
The tigers were trapped in the ditches.
A. The tiger was trapped in the ditch.
B. The tiger was trapped in the ditche.
C. The tiger was trapped in ditches.
D. The tiger were trapped in a ditch.
This teddy bear is so cute.
A. Those teddy bear is so cute.
B. These teddy bears are so cutes.
C. These teddy bears are so cute.
D. These teddy bear’s are so cute.
That black sheep has yielded a lot of wool.
A. These black sheep have yielded a lot of wool.
B. Those black sheep’s have yielded a lot of wools.
C. Those black sheeps have yielded a lots of wool.
D. Those black sheep have yielded a lot of wool.
The water of this river is sweet.
A. The waters of this river is sweet.
B. The water of these river is sweet.
C. The waters of these rivers are sweet.
D. The waters of these rivers is sweet.
The monkey ran off with a banana and an apple.
A. The monkey is running off with bananas and apples.
B. The monkey’s ran off with a banana and apples.
C. The monkeys ran off with bananas and apples.
D. The monkey’s are running off with bananas and apples.
This knife is very new.
A. These knive’s are very new.
B. These knives are very new.
C. These knife’s are very new.
D. This knives are very new.
Answer Key:
Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘books’ changes to ‘book’, ‘are’ changes to ‘is’ and ‘bags’ changes to ‘bag’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘her’ changes to ‘their’, ‘brother’ changes to ‘brothers’ and ‘wants’ changes to ‘want’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘this’ changes to ‘these’, ‘car’ changes to ‘cars’, and ‘race’ changes to ‘races’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘that’ changes to ‘those’ and ‘trophy’ changes to ‘trophies’ and ‘winner’ changes to ‘winners’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘tigers’ changes to ‘tiger’, ‘were’ changes to ‘was’ and ‘the ditches’ changes to ‘the ditch’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘this’ changes to ‘these’, ‘teddy bear’ changes to ‘teddy bears’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘that’ changes to ‘those’, ‘sheep’ remains ‘sheep’ and ‘has’ changes to ‘have’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘water’ changes to ‘waters’, ‘this’ changes to ‘these’, ‘river’ changes to ‘rivers’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘monkey’ changes to ,monkeys’, ‘a banana’ changes to ‘bananas’ and ‘an apple’ changes to ‘apples’.
Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘this’ changes to ‘these’, ‘knife’ changes to ‘knives’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.