
Soil Worksheet-12

Soil Worksheet-12


True or False

  1. The uppermost layer of the soil is made up of fine sand and humus.

  2. The layer of the soil made up of rocks and pebbles is called the topsoil.

  3. Topsoil is very infertile.

  4. The layer of the soil made up of fine sand and humus is called the topsoil.

  5. Strong wind and water carry the loose topsoil with them.

  6. The removal of the fertile topsoil by the action of wind and water is called soil erosion.

  7. Strong wind and water do not carry the loose topsoil with them.

  8. The removal of the fertile topsoil by the action of wind and water is called humus.

  9. The dark-coloured substance formed from dead remains of plants and animals is called soil erosion.

  10. Soil erosion increases when we cut down many trees.


Answer Key:

  1. True

  2. False

  3. False

  4. True

  5. True

  6. True

  7. False

  8. False

  9. False

  10. True