
Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-7

Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-7


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. What happens if we add two tbsp of sugar in 50 ml water?

(A) Sugar gets dissolved and volume increases

(B) Sugar gets dissolved and volume remains constant

(C) Sugar remains undissolved and the volume increases


  1. Sheetal was sitting in the verandah. She smelt the fragrance of perfume used by Ravi in another room. Why?

(A) Perfume had a property of spreading from one place to other

(B) Sheetal too used the same perfume

(C) None of these


  1. Which of the following exists in all the three states of matter?

(A) Petrol                    (B) Kerosene               (C) Water


  1. Why the rate of flow of water is slow from the tap of a water jug whose lid is tightly closed?

(A) Opening of the tap is small

(B) Air has occupied some space together with water

(C) Salts present in water has occupied some space


  1. Which of the following cannot form a solution?

(A) Water in milk

(B) Carbon dioxide in water

(C) Kerosene in water


  1. Why alum should be added to the tap water before using it?

(A) To improve the taste of water

(B) To improve the colour of water

(C) To precipitate (settle) the salts present in the water


  1. Molecules are made up of tiny particles called:

(A) Atoms                   (B) Ions                        (C) Fragments


  1. Why a tight metal lid of a jar is opens up when dipped in hot water?

(A) The heat of water contracts the lid and opens it

(B) The heat of water expands the lid and opens it

(C) There is no effect of heat on the lid


  1. Which of the following solid/s melt/s on heating?

(A) Paper                    (B) Wood                     (C) Candle


  1. True/False

a.      Matters are made up of only large particles.

b.      Ice is a liquid form of water.

c.      Molecules of the substance moves fast on cooling the substance.

d.      Sand easily gets dissolved in water.

e.      Liquids have definite shape.

f.       Water is present in the air in the form of gas.

g.      Evaporation occurs only on the surface of liquids.

h.      The space between the molecules is least in solid state.

i.       Molecules are made up of tiny particles called ions.

j.       The process of transformation (change) of gas into liquid is known as melting.

k.      Metals are generally solids.


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The process of transformation (change) of gas into liquid is known as ______.


Answer Key:

(1)     (B)

(2)    (A)

(3)    (C)

(4)    (B)

(5)    (C)

(6)    (C)

(7)    (A)

(8)    (B)

(9)    (C)

(10)  a. False; b. False; c. False; d. False; e. False; f. True; g. True; h. True; i. False; j. False; k. True

(11)   condensation/ condensations