
Sound Worksheet-10

Sound Worksheet-10


  1. Human ear cannot hear sound waves of frequency above____.


  1. Sound waves of frequencies below 20 Hz are called ____.


  1. Sound waves of frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called____.


  1. In wind instrument sound is produced by vibrating ______ inside the instrument.


  1. In percussion instrument sound is produced by vibrating_____.


  1. Unpleasant, discomfort-causing sound from any source is called _____.


  1. Sustained presence of harmful, unwanted or annoying noise in the environment is called_____.


  1. A harmonica is a ______instrument.


  1. A dholak is a _____instrument.


  1. ____ stands for Sound Navigation Ranging.


  1. Loudness is determined by the _____ of vibration. (amplitude)


  1. Sound cannot travel through _____.


  1. The number of oscillations per second of a wave is called _____


  1. Shrillness of a sound is associated with ______


  1. Unwanted , discomfort – causing sound from any source is called ______


  1. A guitar is a ____.


  1. Match the following:


  1. Match the following:



  1. 20,000 hertz

  2. infrasonic wave

  3. ultrasonic waves

  4. air column

  5. membrane

  6. noise

  7. noise pollution

  8. wind

  9. percussion

  10. Sonar

  11. amplitude

  12. Solid

  13. Frequency

  14. pitch

  15. noise

  16. stringed

  17. A–S, B–P, C–T, D–Q, E–R

  18. A–R, B–P, C–Q, D–T, E–S