
Spell the word Worksheet-1

Spell the Word Worksheet-1


Choose the correct spelling of the word for the clue given.

  1. "not successful" : ________

(A) failure          (B) phailure      (C) failur            (D) fialure


  1. "people skilled in doing stunts, often on a trapeze" : ________

(A) acrobats      (B) acrubats      (C) acrobatss    (D) acrobates


  1. "requests for action signed by many people" : ________

(A) petitiuns      (B) petitoins      (C) petitions      (D) petitionns


  1. "pictures made with paint" : ________

(A) piantings     (B) painntings  (C) paintingss   (D) paintings


  1. "a sheltered body of water" : ________

(A) harbor         (B) harbur         (C) haror           (D) harboxr


  1. "opinion about how to solve a problem; guidance" : ________

(A) advic            (B) advice          (C) advike          (D) advse


  1. "working against the government" : ________

(A) treasun        (B) treeson        (C) treason        (D) treasonn


  1. "rejected by authority" : ________

(A) vetued          (B) vetohed       (C) evtoed          (D) vetoed


  1. "a presentation of a play or musical composition" : ________

(A) performance                           (B) perphormance

(C) performanc                             (D) perfurmance


  1. "very important" : ________

(A) special         (B) specail         (C) speciall        (D) spekial


  1. "ask for; demand; express a wish for" : ________

(A) requesst      (B) reqest          (C) request        (D) rqeuest


  1. "meeting of representatives who have the authority to make decisions" : ________

(A) congress      (B) cungress     (C) congre         (D) conngress


  1. "a return to being well" : ________

(A) recovery      (B) recuvery      (C) recoverie     (D) rekovery


  1. "a soldier's housing" : ________

(A) qarter          (B) quarter        (C) quater          (D) qarter


  1. "covered with water" : ________

(A) flooded        (B) phlooded     (C) fluoded        (D) floded


  1. "showing facts as they actually are" : ________

(A) reelistic       (B) realistic       (C) realisstic     (D) reallistic


  1. "public speaker" : ________

(A) urator          (B) oratur          (C) orator          (D) oractor


  1. "made a shrill, harsh sound" : ________

(A) squawc        (B) ssquawk      (C) squawk        (D) sqawk


  1. "having no doubts" : ________

(A) satisphied   (B) satisfied      (C) satisfeid      (D) satissfied


  1. "amazing; unusual" : ________

(A) remarcable                              (B) remarkabl

(C) remarkablle                            (D) remarkable


  1. "look on the face that shows how someone feels" : ________

(A) expressiun                               (B) expresion

(C) expression                               (D) expressoin


  1. "a person who practices art, such as drawing, or painting" : ________

(A) artisst          (B) atrist            (C) artist            (D) ratist


  1. "like a machine." : ________

(A) mechannical                           (B) mechanical

(C) mechanicall                            (D) mekhanical


  1. "a strong sense of what you want to do" : ________

(A) determinatiun                        (B) determination

(C) determination                        (D) determinnation


  1. "long periods of time; periods of sixty minutes each" : ________

(A) huurs           (B) hours            (C) huors           (D) haurs


  1. "taken away" : ________

(A) repeeled      (B) repealled     (C) repealed      (D) retpealed


  1. "able to be used now" : ________

(A) available     (B) availabl       (C) avialable     (D) availlable


  1. "to go very fast, race; hurry" : ________

(A) gallop          (B) gallup          (C) galop            (D) galllop


  1. "surprise; amazement" : ________

(A) astonishment                          (B) astonishment

(C) astonnishment                       (D) asstonishment


  1. "to wait with fear" : ________

(A) dreed           (B) drea             (C) derad           (D) dread


  1. "said or told" : ________

(A) announced                              (B) annuunced

(C) anounced                                 (D) annuonced


  1. "all that is needed or wanted" : ________

(A) enough        (B) enuugh        (C) enuogh        (D) enaugh


  1. "to keep in your memory" : ________

(A) remembeg  (B) remember  (C) remmeber  (D) reember


  1. "frying pans" : ________

(A) skillets         (B) scillets         (C) skilets          (D) skilletss


  1. "money paid to the government" : ________

(A) taxes            (B) taxess          (C) taxs              (D) taxees


  1. "a part of the year" : ________

(A) seasun         (B) season         (C) seeson          (D) seasonn


  1. "rebellion against authority" : ________

(A) mutinie       (B) mutiny         (C) mutinny      (D) muitny


  1. "having a quick mind; smart" : ________

(A) clever           (B) cllever          (C) klever           (D) cpever


  1. "moving toward a goal" : ________

(A) prugress      (B) progre         (C) progress      (D) progresss


  1. "annoyed because things are taking too long" : ________

(A) impateint    (B) impatient    (C) impatiennt (D) imptient


  1. "a dreamlike state in which a person is absorbed in thought" : ________

(A) tranc            (B) trannce        (C) tranke          (D) trance


  1. "a sharp sticker on a plant" : ________

(A) thorn            (B) thurn           (C) thorn            (D) thjorn


  1. "a female whose training and career are guided by someone older and more experienced" : ________

(A) protege        (B) protegee      (C) prutegee      (D) proteg


  1. "a dreamlike state in which a person is absorbed in thought" : ________

(A) tranc            (B) trannce        (C) trance          (D) tranke


  1. "killing a number of people who cannot defend themselves" : ________

(A) massacr      (B) masacre      (C) masssacre  (D) massacre


  1. "awful; terrible" : ________

(A) horrible       (B) horribl         (C) hurrible       (D) horible


  1. "dirt wall used to hold back water" : ________

(A) dice              (B) dike              (C) dik                (D) dkie


  1. "a person's job" : ________

(A) uccupation                              (B) ocupation

(C) occupatoin                              (D) occupation


  1. "Materials used in or made by science." : ________

(A) chemicalss                              (B) chemicalls

(C) chemicales                              (D) chemicals


  1. "feeling sure of yourself" : ________

(A) conphidently                          (B) confidently

(C) cunfidently                              (D) confidentlie



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